
Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

A Competition from Nicola Morgan

Straight to the point: I bring you a competition. The prize would have been chocolate but somehow I ate it. Instead I have something which will last longer, be more useful, and give you pleasure. And engender no guilt whatsoever.
The prize is a copy of Write to be Published and a gorgeous, sought-after, limited edition, hessian, multi-functional, “Crabbit bag”. Obviously, the book is also gorgeous and sought-after, but it’s not limited edition – I hope – or hessian. As to being multi-functional, well, you could use it as a drinks mat or to fan yourself in a moment of undue excitement, but its true destiny is to help writers write better, understand the weird minds of publishers and agents, and become published. Then stay published. Even if you’re not a writer, you might enjoy the insight it gives into just what makes a publishable book and a publishable writer.
So, how do you enter?
Well, you may know that I am more than occasionally known as the Crabbit Old Bat. (To the left is my appropriately strident avatar on Twitter, where I tweet as @nicolamorgan.) I should explain, because I realise that it is hard to believe in connection with my laidback personality, but “crabbit” is a delicious Scottish word meaning grumpy and tetchy. Google the phrase “Crabbit Old Bat” and you’ll see just how supremely I reign supreme in this field. (*boasts*)
Sometimes it’s cathartic to let one’s grumpiness hang out and have a good old moan. It may not be attractive but then things hanging out rarely are. So, here’s your chance to join me in liberated, unashamed crabbititude.

Tell me: what bugs you in the book world? What really gets your goat and ruffles your tail-feathers? It could be something about being a writer or a reader or a customer in a bookshop or an internet-surfer or a word-lover or anything remotely connected to the world of words and books.
Add your gripe (or gripes – don’t hold back!) to the comments below and I’ll put all comments into a bag and pull out a winner. Apart from spam – now there’s something that bugs me…
Deadline is midday British time on 20th July. I’ll need your email address if you win, so if you don’t want to put it in the comment you’ll need to keep an eye on my blog at Help! I Need a Publisher from July 20th, where I’ll announce the winner and put all the entries for your perusal.
Meanwhile, a very, very happy 3rd birthday to ABBA and my huge thanks to all who work so hard to organise it and the Scattered Authors Society. Being a children’s author is a privilege and a pleasure and one of the things that makes it so is the community of writers and readers all wanting the same thing: great books for young people.
And now, after that happy message, back to being crabbit. Join me!

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